The Piccadilly market in Geelong is a large one with a great variety of stallholders. I am often found bringing home some treasures of my own from other stalls - it is incredibly tempting at this one to do a lot of purchasing. And why wouldn't you, it's a market that has some beautifully handmade products and amazing choices for gifts. It's definitely the weekend that I'll be finishing my Christmas shopping.
The market is located in the centre level (ie. not the cafeteria level, which is currently undergoing renovation works) of Deakin's Waterfront campus in Geelong. This year, due to those renovations, we are spread throughout that level, both inside amongst all sorts of nooks and crannies and in the gorgeous internal courtyard.
They've organised some ongoing live music all day and of course there are food carts and COFFEE available all day too. It's definitely worthy of a visit - for those based in Geelong, and anyone within a good Sunday drive's distance away [that should be a new unit of measure!].
As for luciandjoe, we've been madly getting our Christmas delights organised - a plethora of cards so that we can keep this ancient tradition going, specialty garlands and our ever-popular Christmas bunting.
On the weekend we were able to travel to the local Melobeda Christmas tree farm and get in before the annual chopping begins in December. It was a gloriously sunny spring day [read: hayfever], but despite the consequential symptoms, the photos look amazing. The shoot was a lot of fun too - it even attracted David off the mower to come and help us source a good spot out of the wind. This involved a maze-like wander through trees three times as tall as myself, following a voice to find somewhere with the right tree, the right light and the right wind!
The top photo shows the bunting which is printed onto vintage book pages, with an old typewrite font.
This lower photo is of the more modern bunting that has a different font, a flourish design at the bottom of each letter (not seen in the photo) and is printed on a gorgeous parchment paper.
Both are available at the Piccadilly market on Sunday 25th November - come on by and smell the Christmas tree :)
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