Friday, October 26

am busy making

There's a market on Sunday (have I mentioned that yet?!), Warrnambool Boutique market.  But the important content of my post tonight is not another shameless plug, but a glimpse into the behind the scenes preparation that I find myself able to do tonight.  It's not always that I have a whole day and two nights to pretty much solely dedicate to my craft, so I'm making the most of it.

This first shot is a bit of an idea of the early stages of hard work (it gets much messier!).
I have a dining table in the centre of my study, where I do my paper cutting, construction, binding and where the sewing machine will sit tomorrow when it comes out to play.

On the far wall you can see one set of the built-in shelving units that I have in here.  This one has a kitchen counter top for the workbench, which is perfect for its size and surface.  You can see that I am making the most of technology here too - the tv has a movie in the dvd player, the laptop is switching between printing and internet surfing, and there are a few other apple devices there too (probably under piles of paper).

I try and keep this space around the laptop relatively free, so that my many lists and 'important documents' are handy.  I've got some quality caffeine there, as well as lots of inspiration on the inboard at the back (a fabric-covered canvas with ribbon across it to secure in the cards and photos etc.

Usually my printer is its own space above where the tv is, but I am printing a fairly high volume of paper tonight so it's easier to have it on this chair.  I really like my epson printer for many reasons, but I am not completely happy with how it interacts with my laptop.  I may have to upgrade it sooner than I would like.

And lastly for tonight, here's a shot of some of the piles of printing that's ready for cutting, creating and card-making tomorrow.  I've got a LONG LIST of great ideas that I want to finish off tomorrow, including new bunting and garlands especially for Christmas.  I'm planning on spending a lot of time in here tomorrow and I'm really looking forward to it  :)

Monday, October 22

Warrnambool Boutique Market

Yippee, there's a new market in the region and it's on this Sunday in Warrnambool.

The Warrnambool Boutique Market has its launch market this weekend and I'm excited to be a part of it.  From the posts that they've been putting up on their facebook page, there looks to be a great variety of stalls and some very talented artists.

The market opens at 10am and runs through to 3pm, and I'm hoping to do a bit of stall browsing [ie. shopping] myself.

*** **** ***

And speaking of the almighty social media forum of facebook, I've finally gotten my act together and launched the luciandjoe Facebook page.

I'd been resisting this for a while because I was so conscious of doubling up posts and overloading my loyal fans [that's you ;)].  However, I have gotten over that little burst of consciousness and will continue to post on this blog, link these to the Luciandjoe Bookbinding* facebook page, and of course include lots of links and insights on the facebook page itself.  So you'd better head on over there and like to your heart's desire.  See you there (or here, or both!)   :)

* was disappointed to find that facebook's rules don't allow for lower case page names, so I had to ditch my usual stand on equality and make the L and B big letters.  Let me make it clear though: it's a one-time gig and all letters in my business name are now firmly back in the same height forever more!

Friday, October 12

Purchase ideas for tomorrow

It's exciting to be doing last-minute preparation for tomorrow's Made Artist's market, and I get to preview the work of some other stallholders in the lead-up.

Firstly, Shelley is a talented stitcher and her Spincushions blog and etsy store showcase her gorgeous pincushions.

These are a couple of her designs, the blossoms and peacock designs appeal to my colour choices, but you will be amazed at the others that she also has on offer.


Another stallholder who'll be there tomorrow is Phuong-Dung with some new additions to her talented repertoire.  Phuong has been creating these beautiful moccasins with suede leather and the ever-gorgeous Liberty fabrics.

Phuong tells us that “Poesie! It’s French for poetry...”
I look forward to seeing some of Phuong's other Poesie designs.


And here are another couple of sneak peeks of some of the items crowding my stall too...

some fully handmade journals

framed prints - at market special prices

Custom printed bunting - why not order something for Christmas? a birthday?  Anniversary?
I'll also have 'Happy Birthday' and some 'Merry Christmas' buntings in stock,
ready for purchase and hanging.

I hope to see you tomorrow as well  :)

Friday, October 5

it's time for the Port Fairy market again :)

It's definitely market season and I've got a lot of exciting stalls coming up at regional artists markets throughout the rest of the year.

They're a wonderful opportunity to make a big dent in Christmas shopping by selecting some amazing handmade - and unique - products.  I like to do mine at markets as much as I can (and always include a pressie or two for myself in there too!).

luciandjoe bookbinding will have Christmas cards and bunting at the markets, which were very popular last year.  Custom bunting is also available and it's a great time of the year to get in early for the Yule or any celebration.  Custom printed bunting can be as long or as short as you wish, and I'm able to try and cater to all sorts of requests for fonts, bindings and backgrounds.  This is an etsy listing for a 'Happy Birthday' bunting, but you can request any sort of printing that you like.  If you miss me at one of these markets, I can create a custom listing on etsy for you to help you with your order and purchase.   I'm more than happy to help you to try and create the decorations that you're after.

Just prior to the MADE Artist's Market in Port Fairy, I'll be involved in some cross-blog promotions with other fellow stallholders which I'm really excited about :)
Keep an eye out for the post next week.