I am super excited to have some time in January to be able to devote to luciandjoe bookbinding.
What that means is that I have a chance to go through all the ideas that I've stored away, mostly on pinterest, and make some prototypes and see what I will put into the shop and market stand during 2013.
I've got a few things in mind and am very keen to explore a few new designs and products themselves. I like to trial a few ways of making things, which inevitably means a trail of half-finished or abandoned ideas as I go. If something is too tricky or too time consuming it doesn't auotmatically mean it's discarded. I'm all about the final product - if it looks as best as it can be, then the tricky factor or time allowed isn't really a consideration. Which is probably why I will never be a big corporate business mogel!!
Some sneaky hints at things to come include some glorious thick felt, more sewing lines and fixtures, as well some pretty cool new ways of highlighting the gorgeous vintage book pages which are a prominent feature in what we do. Keep an eye out for some sneaky peeks and requests for feedback!
Until then, I'd like to clear out some shop stock and make room for some new products.
Head on over to our etsy shop to pick up a bargain - some of the books are HALF PRICE...
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