After my little telco-crash-induced extension (thanks for everyone's understanding with that), the giveaway closed last night and I'm very excited to announce the winners of the prize packs.
The first one was for comments left on the blog in that competition time, and I'm looking forward to passing this prize pack onto Bron for her comment about cards at Christmas time.
Secondly, another pack was for anyone who 'liked' luciandjoe on Facebook, and that was a little more time-consuming in that I had to write down everyone's name, assign them a number and hit the generator's button... of all of the people in that draw, I'm pleased to now get in touch with Lauren so that I can arrange to get her pack to her.
Thanks to everyone for their support.
In the days since my final market for the year, I've been plotting and planning and scheming my 2013 plans. I am going to use the period between Christmas and Australia Day to get stuck into some new ideas that I've been tossing around in my mind for a while now. My market schedule is still up in the air at the moment as I wait for some dates to be announced, so it's a good time to look at online strategies and more opportunities in general. One of my first points of call will be to go back to Pinterest and go through the hundreds of inspiring ideas that I've saved for later. It's a great way of refreshing your thinking and of course, of feeling creative and productive without leaving your laptop ;)
Lots of exciting opportunities ahead.
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